We have started scheduling short 15 minute intake appointments to drop off documents or to sign completed taxes. We also request that you print and bring with you, a completed intake sheet. This will save time during appointment. There are changes and new forms all the time, so it provides us with better information to meet.

If you have questions, we can discuss those by phone, just let your intake person know to have your Preparer call you when completing your return.

We are trying to continue to stay healthy so we can be here again for your tax needs this tax season! If you are sick, please reschedule your appointment as soon as possible, and Thank you in advance for your continued support!

For step by step instructions on how to complete your taxes remotely, please visit our tax filing process page.


MN 2023 Tax Rebate received in 2023 must be reported on your Federal 2023 1040. Please notify us if you have received the rebate of $260.00 per adult and child claimed on your 2021 tax return.

MN Frontline Worker Pay received in 2022 will need to be reported on the Federal of your 2022 1040. Please notify us if you and/or your spouse received this payment of $487.45 during your intake.

Our team will be available by phone and email Monday through Friday 10am-6pm

Thank you!

-The MBSC Team

in order to prepare your taxes completed remotely, please do the following:

  1. Gather all necessary tax documents-please see our tax organizer for a checklist: Individual Tax Organizer

  2. Scan and save as a PDF file OR take a photo with a smart phone of all tax documents making sure all numbers are and names are clearly visible

  3. Please *print and fill out the attached intake sheet with the following info:

    1. Both spouse’s names’, dates of birth and Social Security numbers

    2. Current address, current phone number and preferred email if applicable

    3. All dependents’ names, social security numbers and dates of birth. Please indicate if any are in college, how long they lived with you and whether you provided over 50% of their support

    4. Number of each income tax documents at the bottom to verify completeness

      *If unable to print, please include info in the body of the email

  4. Please include bank account information for direct deposit or direct debit

  5. Scan or photograph of both spouses’ current photo IDs

  6. Email this info to mbsctaxes@yahoo.com with both spouses’ full names and “Remote tax prep” in the subject line

  7. We will follow up with any questions and email you back when the returns are ready. We will email you the electronic filing signature page for you to print off and sign. For payment, we can take a credit or debit card over the phone (subject to a 3% transaction fee) or a check by mail.

    *For signing for electronic filing from your phone: If your smart phone has the ability to edit a PDF or an image, you can sign using your finger. At that point, you can either send the PDF back to us, or screenshot it with your signature on it and email it back.

If you are concerned with regards to your ability to file before April 15th, please consider filing an extension. You can do this by following the instructions on the IRS’s website or by contacting us.

We will make reasonable accommodations to best serve our clients.

tax organizers

Tax Season Timeline:

January 1st- February 14th

  • As every year, we operate on a drop off basis, with exceptions due to Covid-19!

  • Print off your Tax Organizer from the forms page!

  • Look for W-2s from employers and 1099s for subcontractor work performed

  • Forms for Mortgage Interest (1098) should be with your statement for your January mortgage payment

  • Forms for investment income from banks and brokerages should be sent out by the middle of February, though certain types of investment income have until March, so keep an eye out for notices from your broker. (ex. 1099-B’s, 1099-R’s, 1099-INT’s, 1099-DIV’s, etc.)

  • Start looking for 1098-T from you or your dependents’ college, print student billing statements as well as a 1098-E for student loan interest

    • If your dependent chose to receive forms electronically, check their student account for their 1098-T, also print off their student account activity statements. We need these to claim certain credits.

  • Renters: Your landlord has until January 31st to issue and mail your Certificate of Rent Paid (CRP)

  • Landlords: Issue or mail CRPs (Certificate of Rent Paid) to renters by January 31st!

  • If you have all of your documents, beat the mid-February rush and get your taxes done

February 15st - March 10th

  • If you are receiving Earned Income Credit or a Child Tax Credit, E-filing of theses returns will not be accepted by the IRS until February 15th!

  • Mid-February tends to be quite busy in our office-avoid the rush by coming in early and be ready to E-file!

  • Homeowners: Property tax statements will be available around the 15th of March. Each county will come out individually. There’s no need to wait for the statements in the mail, check your county’s website for your property tax statement! On our Taxpayer Resources page, we’ve conveniently provided links to each of the seven counties we service the most. If you live outside the Twin Cities, we can look up your property for you.

March 11th - April 15th

  • Mid-late March slows down a bit in our office, you can expect slightly slower turnaround time here before we see the end of season rush.

  • Our business clients who are organized as Partnerships or S-Corporations have their tax returns due on March 15th, so the week prior to that, we slow down slightly on the individual tax returns in order to meet that deadline. We apologize if you experience a slightly longer wait during this time.

  • Important: As we enter April, we continue to complete tax returns in the order we receive them. At this point, we can’t guarantee that we will complete every return by April 15th. We recommend everyone file an extension. If you’ve never filed an extension:

    • It allows you an additional 6 months to file your tax return without a penalty for delayed filing. If you owe taxes, that amount is due by July 15th, so look at last year’s tax liability to determine how much to pay. Ask us if you have any questions.